Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wingnut News for Wednesday.

Now BillO blames Chandra Levy murder on illegal immigration

Were Bill O'Reilly any kind of actual journalist who held himself to some standard of accountability, he'd be abjectly apologizing to former Rep. Gary Condit right now, and properly demonstrating some circumspection in drawing broad political conclusions from a single tragic but otherwise fairly simple criminal case.
But no. He is Bill O'Reilly, after all.
Remember that O'Reilly was one of the leaders in the torch-bearing Get Condit mob: He wrote columns all but accusing Condit of culpability in Levy's murder. On his Fox News show, he featured obsessively regular updates on the Levy case, including segments suggesting Condit was about to be arrested by the FBI.
Now that Condit has been officially exonerated, though, no apology or even acknowledgment of wrongdoing is forthcoming, of course. Not from many others who behaved similarly, and certainly not from Bill O'Reilly.
Instead, O'Reilly is using the Levy case, as he did on his Fox show last night, to play one of his favorite rhetorical games: linking immigration to crime by pointing out that it was in fact an illegal immigrant who's been charged in Levy's death.
You may remember that a few weeks ago The New York Times editorial page implied that I am a racist for reporting the truth about illegal alien crimes. This is another example of blatant press dishonesty in America. The media's cover-up of alien crime is massive.
A new study coming to light through the federal 287-G program says that in the Phoenix area, 22 percent of all felonies are committed by illegal aliens. In the Chicago area, 19 percent of all prison inmates are illegal. In Collier County, Florida, more than 20 percent of all arrests are for crimes allegedly committed by illegals, and on and on.
In fact, according to federal data, about a half million serious crimes have been committed by illegal aliens over the past 10 years.
Both political parties are at fault, as is the pro-amnesty media. Republicans wanted business to have cheap labor. Democrats sought the votes that come with migrant residency. And the far-left press believes the USA is oppressive and cruel if it does not grant citizenship to poor migrants.
Add all that up and you have a perfect storm of immigration chaos. And thousands of Americans have been badly hurt by it, not to mention thousands of illegal aliens themselves, who have been brutalized and exploited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously mindless sheep are the Falafel King's fan base, no one with any brain cell activity would take anything he says seriously.