Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wingnut News for Wednesday.

Bill O'Reilly uses his own internet poll to absolve himself of his cowardly actions against Helen Thomas
The absurdity that is known as Bill O'Reilly continues to get more absurd with each passing day if you can believe that. C&L wrote about BillO's mean spirited attack on Helen Thomas after she asked a question that he deemed ridiculous to President Obama during his first national press conference.
He called the plus-eighty year old Thomas a witch and an old woman.
He took so much heat for it that he lied about what he actually said: O'Reilly flat-out lies to defend calling Helen Thomas the 'wicked witch'
On Monday's Factor, he used an online poll that came from his own website which was voted on for the most part by his followers that said he shouldn't have to apologize to her by a 93-7% margin as some sort of rationalization that the PC police are dead. And then linked a completely irrelevant protest to make his case. No, seriously. He's delusional.

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