Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wingnut News for Tuesday.

George Will makes up facts in his column denying global warming.
In the Washington Post Sunday, conservative columnist George Will chastised Energy Secretary Stephen Chu for “
doomsaying” about global warming, arguing that concerns about climate change are just “eco-pessimism.” As evidence to support his point, Will claimed that “according to the University of Illinois’ Arctic Climate Research Center, global sea ice levels now equal those of 1979.” But, as TPMmuckraker notes, the Arctic Climate Research Center (ACRC) quickly disputed Will’s claim:
We do not know where George Will is getting his information, but our data shows that on February 15, 1979, global sea ice area was 16.79 million sq. km and on February 15, 2009, global sea ice area was 15.45 million sq. km. Therefore, global sea ice levels are 1.34 million sq. km less in February 2009 than in February 1979. This decrease in sea ice area is roughly equal to the area of Texas, California, and Oklahoma combined.

THE PARTY THAT LOST ITS MIND — Have you heard about the marsh mouse? The little swamp critter that got $30 million of stimulus bill spending thanks to Nancy Pelosi? Of course you have! The mouse was highlighted on Drudge and chortled over by Glenn Beck. One Republican congressman actually dandled a toy mouse in debate.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Sometimes you just can't help some people. It's like these guys have gone mad after the 8 year crime wave of free spending. Eric Cantor says he should be the President because he's much younger looking then Obama what does that say about lack of brains.