Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wingnut News for Sunday's early edition.

"This is America! How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills?"--Rick Santelli

And I didn't know that neighbors check every neighbor's home for an extra bathroom in the neighborhood. If there was ever an award for Rant of the Year, Rick Santelli should win hand down beating Bill O'Reilly. Critics are now calling Santelli the brother of Joe the Plumber, Rick the Trader, Rick the Commentator, and Rick Santelli, the angry white male. White House secretary Robert Gibbs may want to sit 50 feet away when he buys Santelli a cup of decaf coffee in case Santelli goes space city or if one of Santelli's evil twin personalities might resurface on Gibbs. Regardless if Santelli suffers from ADHD and missed his meds or he needs to switch to decaf coffee, Santelli and other media pundits and journalists never approached this housing problem from an objective viewpoint nor give appropriate facts or statistics to explain how we got into the housing mess. And hint for Santelli and other pundits is to go back and read former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer's Op-Ed in the Washington Post back in February 2008 on his exposure of predatory lending practices ignored by Bush Administration.

Media Matters:

MSNBC twice aired Santelli's criticism of administration foreclosure plan without substantive response

Summary: Twice on February 20, MSNBC promoted Rick Santelli's rant the previous day over President Obama's proposed foreclosure reduction plan, which Santelli said "promot[es] bad behavior" and "subsidiz[es] the losers' mortgages." In neither case did MSNBC provide any substantive response to those criticisms.


Anonymous said...

Brother of Bill O'Reilly...good one. We know they both run in the same circle. Just as arrogantly ignorant and can't shut up, translation, another blowhard. We used to call them loud mouth know- it-alls, but the intelligent real news media has coined the term "Blowhard" for them, and this guy is trying for this years number one spot and giving the Weasel and Falafel King a run for their money.

airJackie said...

I think what's getting lost is this is taxpyers money we're using. We have spent tillions of taxpayers money on Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Pakistan and blackmail money for other smaller coountries to join in the invasion. We wasted tillions on contractors who did nothing. We spent billions on piples for Halliburton. Yet now President Obama wants taxpayers money to go to help Americans and there's a problem with that. Now next month Wall Street/Banks will be back to borrow more money and the Auto Company is looking for more taxpayers money.