Monday, February 16, 2009

Wingnut News for Monday.

Gas was being passed in Sunday's bobblehead talk shows.

Meet The Press: Gregory Repeats Healthcare Talking Points ALREADY Debunked By His Own Network

In the Russert days of Meet the Press, the Bush administration knew that it was the best venue for them to "
catapult the propaganda" without taking those pesky follow-up questions or provide context. New host David Gregory didn't appear to be much of an improvement--at least when the administration in power were Republicans. Of course, now that the White House is inhabited with Democrats, Gregory seems to have found a journalistic need to question federal plans, even if it means reaching back to Republican talking points that were thoroughly NBC colleague Keith Olbermann.
But the point is, this bill was not bipartisan. It was -- it is incredibly expensive. It has hundreds of billions of dollars in projects which will not yield in jobs. Now, if you think we need to improve education, spend money for it, fine. But this was supposed to be a package that was going to create jobs. A lot of this package will not create jobs. A lot of the tax cuts we've tried before of just giving people some money, it hasn't changed the way that savings have been conducted by Americans. So I'm not happy--and most of us aren’t-- at the lack of true bipartisanship in approaching this legislation.
But host John King is not about to let McCain feel alone in his regret, so he launches what has to be the biggest softball concern troll framing I've heard this morning:
KING: Let's go to the process a little bit more. It’s a thousand pages. It’s eight pounds. We had it fedexed out to us. We’re contributing to the economy just having it shipped out here. Some of the changes were literally hand-scribbled on the side of the page. This happens all the time, unfortunately…
McCAIN: It’s the old business as usual…
KING: Well, if it’s the old business as usual, didn’t President Obama promise a new way of doing things in Washington? You say it was a terrible start. Are you sitting in your office these days saying, "I told you so"?

McCain: Stimulus Bill A 'Bad Beginning' For Obama
Appearing on CNN Sunday, John McCain lambasted President Obama's performance in passing the stimulus bill. "It was a bad beginning because it wasn't what we promised the American people, what President Obama promised the American people - that we would sit down together," said McCain, adding that "almost all of our proposals went down on a party-line vote."
GOP Senator Graham: 'The Country's Screwed'
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) expressed his dissatisfaction yesterday with the legislative process that led to the stimulus bill. Appearing on This Week, Graham had this to say about Democrats dominating the process: "If I may say, if this is going to be bipartisanship, the country's screwed."

Cantor: I Get Advice From Gingrich
In a new profile in the New York Times, Eric Cantor said he has regularly sought out the advice of a previous House Republican Whip who faced similar circumstances as he did, and then put his party in the majority: Newt Gingrich.
Said Cantor: "I talk to Newt on a regular basis because he was in the position that we are in: in the extreme minority."


airJackie said...

Meet the Press needs a new Anchor as David is destroying that show. He has no idea what he's doing or saying. He got kicked out of the White House Press Room because he lied for Karl Rove and got caught. Now NBC got Chuck Todd for a much cheaper salary and he's doing the best he can with no experience.

John McCain has gone down hill since that famous hug he gave GW. John sold his soul to the Devil for the promise of the White House. In 2000 John McCain could have won the Election but the GOP wanted GW. So Karl Rove dipped low and attacked McCain's young daughter. John has some Democrats/Independants and Republicans rooting for him but he caved in to the Party. He gave his support to GW and sealed with a big hug. Nothing has gone right sense. Yes they gave John the nomination but little else as Bush had already destroyed the country with his lies and crimes. Homer Simpson could have beat John McCain. Now John has no GOP support and Cindy's gone he will likely lose re election and the keys to 6 of the homes Cindy owns. John just might try going back to his first wife that he dumped so long ago as he might not even get a woman if he paid her. The young lady he was fooling around with that looked like Cindy was only there because he was a powerful Senator and she was a lobbist who wanted a favor.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Gregory looks like a clueless muppet and I'm not watching MTP anymore, for any reason.