Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TX Rep. Cornyn took Caribbean junket on Stanford's dime.

Well, well, well... And this is the same lawmaker that voted no on the economic recovery bill, twice!


So we already knew that Allen Stanford -- the Texas banker charged by the SEC today with running an $8 billion "fraud of shocking magnitude" -- had some pretty impressive political contacts with both parties.
But it looks like his relationship with one of his home-state senators, Republican John Cornyn, may have been especially cozy.
According to Cornyn's Senate disclosure reports -- posted on the site Legistorm.com, which tracks privately financed trips by members of Congress -- the Stanford Financial Group paid for the Texas senator and an unnamed companion to take a November 2004 trip down to Antigua and Barbuda, the tiny Carribean nation where the company has its headquarters.
The three day trip is described by Legistorm as a "financial services industry fact-finding mission hosted by constituent company with substantial operations on site."
The site adds:
Sen. Cornyn discloses expenses for himself and a companion, but does not disclose the identity of the companion.
The total cost of the trip: $7,441.00

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