Thursday, February 19, 2009

Then and now: Canadians welcomed Bush with violent protests, raise American flags for Obama.


Today, President Obama arrived in Canada, his first foreign trip since taking office. Already, the trip is a stark departure from the Bush years. U.S. presidents have traditionally made their first trip abroad to Canada. President Bush, however, broke with tradition and headed south to Mexico.

Already, there’s been a noticeable difference in the way the Canadian public has received the two presidents. Bush was wildly unpopular in Canada. Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who supported the Iraq war (and later admitted it was a mistake), was lambasted by Canadians as supporting “Harper-Bush” policies. Not surprisingly, Bush’s visits to Canada spurred massive protests:

– “Thousands of protesters marched on Parliament Tuesday, rallying against President Bush’s visit and the U.S.-led war in Iraq. Twelve people were arrested after scuffling with police on the fringes of the peaceful demonstration.”

– “With stars and stripes flapping in the wind, enamoured Canadians will line the streets of the capital today trying to catch a fleeting glimpse of U.S. President Barack Obama.”

– “Bus trips have been organized in Montreal, Kitchener and Toronto. Hotel rooms are booked, Facebook groups are buzzing and websites have sprung up to give visitors all the latest information. … All of this for U.S. President Barack Obama.”

Update: CNN's Ed Henry updates his Twitter from Canada:
@edhenrycnn Along motorcade route, one handmade sign said, "After God, It's Obama". Sharp contrast from protests here in Bush years


KittyBowTie1 said...

It takes a lot to get Canadians violent.

airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty those Beaver Tails are really sweet and you might like it. What a different a President makes. Now the Canada President might not get re elected as he isn't liked much. He looked at President Obama like the groupies do. Even the Canada press were making joke about how bad the Canada Presidents tie was.

Mr. Kitty I've seen alot of US President and read about the others. Even other World Leaders and this is the first time I can remember a President so loved by people all over the World even before he was sworn in office. Yes JFK was popular but it came during his term as President not before. Kennedy was loved by many in the US but remember he won the election by a close margin. Get back to me on that topic please, your much smarter then me in these matters.

KittyBowTie1 said...

It's because people in the world see Obama as being totally different than Bush. When Mama (and I) were in India, lots of people told us there were parties in India during the election. The main TV station ran all kinds of specials on Obama before the inauguration, one even called the "Coronation of Hope."

Mama hasn't seen this much love for another American in foreign countries since Michael Jordan played for the Bulls. In Russia, they were selling those dolls that open up into smaller dolls of the Bulls team, with Jordan on the outside.

People in India say they love Hillary, too, because she went there. But, they were not selling things will Hillary on them. We saw some things with Obama on them but can't exactly remember what, maybe some keychains??