Thursday, February 19, 2009

Texas financial scammer Sir Allen gone MIA.

Texas financier R. Allen Stanford is accused of cheating 50,000 customers out of $8 billion dollars but despite raids Tuesday of his financial empire in Houston, Memphis, and Tupelo, Miss., federal authorities say they do not know the current whereabouts of the CEO.
Read on.

Also this shocker:

Disgraced banker Stanford didn't pay his own taxes
WASHINGTON (AP) — Public records show disgraced financier R. Allen Stanford owes hundreds of millions of dollars in federal taxes.

Update from TPM:

Reuters is reporting that Allen Stanford has been found in Virginia and served by the FBI with court papers.

MSNBC just confirmed that report moments ago.

Late Update: ABC News has more Stanford details:

- According to one of his lobbyists, Ben Barnes, Stanford has turned in his passport and said he won't flee. He's described as "very depressed" and sought to end the manhunt by approaching DOJ officials himself.

- In addition:

In the meantime, the SEC has begun to seize an array of private property owned by Stanford and his firm.

Stanford's fleet of six private jets were recalled to the corporate hangar at Sugarland Airport outside Houston, including the Bombardier 500 luxury jet that was used exclusively by Stanford.

According to flight records, the Stanford jet flew into Washington, D.C. earlier this week and returned to Houston yesterday afternoon. Flight crews said Stanford was not seen on the plane when it unloaded.


PrissyPatriot said...

Isn't that something? He must really think he's special! LOL

airJackie said...

Looks like Ken Lay has company now. The Media made Madoff the biggest of them all and now Stanford is bigger but wait folks there's more to come as this has been going on for 8 years. With Officials like Eliot Spitzer kicked out by the votes and the American people these guys just kept on going. Now I read Spitzer's op-ad's and he has said we haven't seen anything yet and will be shocked and angry when we do. But I keep remembering how the hateful comments to kick Spitzer out just as he was about to indict Wall Street and save us from the Stock Market Crash. Well we showed what was more important a Law Maker's personal life that wasn't hurting anyone but his wife or saving the US Economy. Seems like Americans did this before with President Clinton but then we chose the Country first.