Tuesday, February 24, 2009

SPB News for Tuesday.

Structure at est. 207,000 square feet, over twice as large as Bush I library.

Thain Must Dish On Bonuses, Rules Court
John Thain [former CEO]
has been ordered by a New York court to testify about those controversial Merrill Lynch bonuses, reports CNBC.

But poll shows partisan divide: only 37% of Republicans approve.

Gary Locke a lock for Commerce?

'I was victim of medieval torture,' says freed Guantanamo detainee --Return of British resident after seven years fuels demands for Government to clarify role of MI5 agents The seven-year ordeal of a British resident who claims he was brutally tortured before being sent to Guantanamo Bay was brought to an end last night during an emotional reunion with his family. Last night Mr Mohamed’s release from US custody reignited calls for the British Government to publish secret documents that would shine further light on the involvement of MI5 agents in his interrogation and alleged torture.

FBI Director Warns of Terror Attacks on U.S. Cities --Federal officials worry about pockets of possible 'radicals' in Seattle, San Diego, Miami or New York. FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III today warned that extremists "with large agendas and little money can use rudimentary weapons" to sow terror, raising the specter that recent attacks in Mumbai that killed 170 people last year could embolden terrorists seeking to attack U.S. cities. At a speech to the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, Mueller said that the bureau is expanding its focus beyond al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] and into splinter groups, radicals who try to enter the country through the visa waiver program and "home-grown terrorists."

Canadian troops blamed for death of 2 Afghan boys Dozens of angry protesters shouted "death to Canadians" and paraded the dismembered bodies of two boys in front of a government office in Kandahar Monday, after an explosion southwest of the city near a village for disabled people. As many as five children were also injured in the blast.

British jobs to be supported by American taxpayer with U.S. government set to buy 40% of Citigroup American taxpayers could soon own 40 per cent of what was once the country's most valuable bank. Citigroup Inc is in talks that could see the U.S. government boost its ownership stake to 40 per cent, according to media reports. The bank employs some 11,000 people in the UK.

Postmaster got $800,000 in pay, perks --Raise came amid calls for cuts in delivery Postmaster General John E. Potter recently warned that economic times are so dire that the U.S. Postal Service may end mail delivery one day a week and freeze executive salaries. But his personal fortunes are nonetheless rising thanks to 40 percent in pay raises since 2006, a $135,000 bonus last year and several perks usually reserved for corporate CEOs.

First Lady Receives High Marks in Poll A month into her husband’s presidency, Michelle Obama is viewed more positively than were other first ladies in the past 28 years at similar stages, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. Over all, 49 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of Mrs. Obama, 5 percent view her unfavorably and 44 percent do not yet have an opinion.

‘U.S. plans to pledge $900 million for Gaza’ — Preliminary estimates put the damage in Hamas-run Gaza after Israel's offensive at nearly $2 billion. — Clinton's bid to get the $900 million could face an uphill battle in Congress where requests for Gaza will likely meet resistance …

AIG Seeks More US Funds As Firm Faces Record Loss — American Insurance Group, the insurance giant that is 80-percent owned by the US government, is in discussions with the government to secure additional funds so it can keep operating after next Monday, when it will report the largest loss in U.S. corporate history, CNBC has learned.

No rest for Rahm at the movies — A surprised fellow moviegoer passes on word that Rahm Emanuel took time out Saturday night to see The Wrestler at the E Street Cinema last night with a Secret Service Agent. — It was not a quiet night out. — “The guy sitting next to Rahm …

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