Sunday, February 22, 2009

SPB News for Sunday

Paterson Had Staff Deny Kennedy Was Top Choice
First time Moscow authorities have allowed new movement to rally.

Will unveil plan Mon.; revenue partly from tax increases on wealthy.

UK agents 'colluded with torture in Pakistan' --Intelligence sources 'confirm abuse' A shocking new report alleges widespread complicity between British security agents and their Pakistani counterparts who have routinely engaged in the torture of suspects. In the study, which will be published next month by the civil liberties group Human Rights Watch, at least 10 Britons are identified who have been allegedly tortured in Pakistan and subsequently questioned by UK intelligence officials. It warns that more British cases may surface and that the issue of Pakistani terrorism suspects interrogated by British agents is likely to "run much deeper".

US rules-out legal action for Bagram detainees The US Department of Justice has ruled that prisoners housed at a US military base in Afghanistan should not have the right to take legal action in the United States to challenge their detention. Under former president [sic] George W Bush the American Justice Department had resisted, arguing that the prisoners were enemy combatants who had been captured in a war zone. Now the Obama administration has confirmed it supports that view, a move that has angered and disappointed human rights lawyers.

Official: Pentagon report defends Guantanamo The Guantanamo Bay prison meets the standard for humane treatment laid out in the Geneva Conventions but could use some changes in how it handles its more dangerous or less compliant prisoners, according to a Pentagon report. The report was prepared for President Barack Obama, who has ordered the prison closed within a year.

Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, renamed, reopens Iraqi officials on Saturday formally reopened Abu Ghraib prison, which became synonymous with torture under the U.S. occupation, and in addition to a fresh coat of paint, gave it a new name [Renamed Baghdad Central Prison]. The prison on the western outskirts of Baghdad earned global notoriety after U.S. jailkeepers filmed themselves tormenting and sexually humiliating Iraqi prisoners less than a year after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein.

Mayor: Surveillance camera on every Chicago street corner Mayor Daley has argued that security and terrorism won’t be an issue if his Olympic dreams come true because, by 2016, there will be a surveillance camera on every street corner in Chicago. In 2004, City Hall used a $5.1 million federal homeland security grant to install 250 cameras at locations thought to be at high risk of a terrorist attack and link them and 2,000 existing city cameras to the 911 center.

Abramoff Scandal Yields More Charges A former legislative aide to Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) was accused yesterday of accepting more than $25,000 worth of meals and event tickets from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff in exchange for helping his clients. Ann M. Copland was charged in U.S. District Court in Washington with one count of conspiracy to commit honest-services fraud.

Oregon bank is 14th failure of 2009 Silver Falls Bank, of Silverton, Ore., was closed Friday by state regulators and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. It was the 14th bank to fail so far this year and the 39th since the beginning of the current credit crisis. Citizens Bank, of Corvallis, Ore. will assume all of the deposits of Silver Falls Bank, the FDIC said.

Moving van shows up at new Bush residence in Dallas The Preston Hollow neighborhood, which will soon be home to former President [sic] George W. Bush and his wife, Laura, was busy Thursday, with a moving van and service trucks... Dallas police turned away several vehicles trying to enter the neighborhood, explaining that it is closed to the general public. Eventually, a security gate paid for by Bush will be installed. Until then, police -- potentially racking up close to $1 million annually in city-paid security for the former p_resident -- have barricaded the entrance to Daria Drive, allowing only neighbors and people on a special list to enter.
Federal authorities question Burris about appointment — Federal authorities questioned U.S. Senator Roland Burris today at his lawyer's office — a long-awaited interview involving his U.S. Senate seat appointment — the Sun-Times-NBC/5 team has learned. — Burris is not accused of wrongdoing …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First off Mayor Daley and the camera's since this costly camera program has been in place crime is up in town.

Obama wanting to cutting the deficit in half, lets hope he succeeds, and reversing the Bush tax relief on the rich
excerpt from democratic voices
It is time to totally reform the Social Security Tax system in the United States. Under the current system, Social Security will go broke because the wealthy pay a much smaller percentage of their income in Social Security and other payroll taxes than do poor or middle class working Americans.

Social Security is designed to hit working Americans with a much higher tax burden in percentage terms than wealthy Americans. There is an absolute ceiling on the amount of income that is subject to Social Security Tax of $72,000 (seventy-two thousand dollars) a year.

A truck driver or real estate agent who earns $72,000 a year pays exactly the same amount of Social Security Tax as Bill Gates, Ken Lay, Dick Cheney or any other multi-millionaire! An average American pays over 13% of their income in Social Security and Medicare taxes. A person making a million dollars a year pays around 1%. A person making 100 million dollars a year pays 1/100th of 1% of their total income in Social Security and other payroll taxes.

The Income Tax cuts passed in the early days of the Bush Administration did nothing to address this unfair tax situation. In fact, the tax scheme imposed on America by the Bush White House and Republicans in Congress shifted the total tax burden toward the middle classes. In percentage terms, over 40% of the Bush tax cut go to the wealthiest 1% of Americans who did not need any tax relief.

Income taxes on the top income bracket were 91% when JFK cut them in the early 1960’s. They were under 40% when Bush cut them in 2001. Social Security and Medicare tax rates increased during this same time span. The effect of this tax policy of soaking the poor and middle class is that the wealthiest

yes the Gerbil years shifted the tax burden to the middle class, and the middle class is shrinking....hmm..