Saturday, February 21, 2009

So where is the ARRA going?

This is from the website.
* Tax Relief - includes $15 B for Infrastructure and Science, $61 B for Protecting the Vulnerable, $25 B for Education and Training and $22 B for Energy, so total funds are $126 B for Infrastructure and Science, $142 B for Protecting the Vulnerable, $78 B for Education and Training, and $65 B for Energy.
State and Local Fiscal Relief - Prevents state and local cuts to health and education programs and state and local tax increases.

Category Amount ($ Billions)
*Tax Relief $288

*State and Local Fiscal Relief $144
Infrastructure and science $111
Protecting the Vulnerable $81
Health Care $59
Education and Training $53
Energy $43

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act targets investments towards key areas that will save or create good jobs immediately, while also laying the groundwork for long-term economic growth. The charts and numbers give you an idea of where the money is going.

Over the upcoming months, we will provide more information on the distribution of funding by Federal agencies. In order to give small businesses and Americans across the country a chance to apply for recovery dollars to create and save jobs, some funding may not be distributed until this summer.

New information on the allocation of funds will be posted on as it becomes available.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

With all the eyes watching this money let's see who get called out first. Now my Mayor is a crook and so is the Congressman. I'll put my dime on them getting caught stealing first. Oh I refered the White House blog to Chuck Todd for his up dated information so he wouldn't look like a fool when asking a question..