Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Six degrees of Burris.

Burris said that he will no longer speak with the media yet plans a public relations offensive?

The Capitol Fax Blog:

Gee, where have we heard this one before?

Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.) is planning a public relations offensive to counter growing concerns about whether he lied about the circumstances of his appointment to the Senate, and he has no intention of resigning, his advisers said Wednesday.

* Fred Lebed probably reveals more than he intended

Lebed, Burris’ former partner in their consulting firm, said today that Burris spoke once “for like 30 seconds” about fundraising for then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who went on to appoint Burris to the Senate seat once held by President Barack Obama.

“I said ‘no way,’” Lebed said.

Meanwhile, it won’t come as a surprise to you that Burris lied again
As calls for his resignation continue to roll in, U.S. Sen. Roland Burris grew emphatic in his defense today, telling a packed luncheon in Chicago to “stop the rush to judgment.”

“You know the real Roland,” Burris told a City Club of Chicago gathering. “I’ve done nothing wrong, and I have nothing to hide.”
Burris said the issue of his varying sworn testimony before an Illinois House impeachment panel is as explainable as “one, two, three.”
Burris insisted his affidavits didn’t contradict one another, saying he explained to “anyone who would listen” that he wanted the U.S. Senate appointment. [Emphasis added]

Even Bobby Rush is keeping things

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-Ill.) is standing behind Burris, a spokesman said, although that could change as events continue to unfold. “The congressman is still supportive, but the news is still coming out,” the spokesman said. “He has a responsibility to reserve judgment until everything is known.”


Anonymous said...

I was so hoping this "politicians gone wild" in Illinois would die down some, just some after the Blago impeachment and the Burris appointment. But it seems to be picking up steam each and every day.

KittyBowTie1 said...

When is Burris going on Letterman?

airJackie said...

Ok I listen to Burris's testimoney and read his 5 visions and it's clear he lied under oath. It time he quit. He got what he wanted his grave stone can now have Senator put on it with the space he saved. Just another politican who used the American people and the system. Now as for Lisa Lisa she should asked Fitz or Randall to look over her work because she really needs someone who knows law before she makes another mistake.

Anonymous said...

I am at the point just wait until the next Senate race there is too much work that needs to be done to spend time on this, look at all the time they spent in Springfield on the Blago ordeal, then the Burris ordeal. Burris does not have a chance there are too many good Democrats in this State showing interest, Burris will never make it past the primaries.