Friday, February 20, 2009

Security for the Bush family costing Dallas more than $1 million annually.

Texas... Making their tax money work...


The Star-Telegram has a report on the tight security surrounding George W. and Laura Bush’s move into their Dallas home. Police officers have been turning away vehicles trying to enter the Preston Hollow neighborhood, “explaining that it is closed to the general public.” While there will soon be a private security gate going up (paid for by the Bush family, not the federal government as previously reported), the city is racking up close to $1 million annually in security expenses for the former president. They have also “barricaded the entrance to Daria Drive, allowing only neighbors and people on a special list to enter.” One resident a few doors down said he has yet to even be allowed to “walk down by the Bush home.”


PrissyPatriot said... is it in the interests of the United States to keep the traitors safe?

airJackie said...

The Neighbors will kick George W. out when they see the wisky bottles and drugs left on the lawn. Laura has her rich Texas boyfriend so she oculd care less. Bush is in his own hell as when he closes his eyes he see's the millions he murdered.