Friday, February 20, 2009

Rush: I’m No Coward On Race, I Stood Up To Media’s ‘Slavish Coverage Of Black Quarterbacks’
Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder said that the U.S. has acted as a “
nation of cowards” when it comes to discussing the sometimes “awkward and painful” issue of race relations. Yesterday on his radio show, however, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh rejected Holder’s view claiming, “I, El Rushbo, am no coward. … I show bravery on race” by standing up to the media’s “slavish coverage of black quarterbacks”:
LIMBAUGH: I, El Rushbo, am no coward. … In fact, I show bravery on race. I am totally willing to discuss it openly and honestly. How does one show bravery on race as I have? You talk about media bias, you talk about slavish media coverage of Black quarter backs in the National Football League. Then see what happens. Then watch all hell descend upon you from every quarter of this nation’s media. From print to broadcast to internet. … I show bravery on matters of race.

George Allen pitches the GOP to minorities: In sports, ‘you don’t care about race.’
Yesterday, former Republican senator George Allen spoke at the Capitol Hill Club on “
The Future of Hispanics in the GOP,” hosted by the Republican National Hispanic Assembly. Allen — who was disgraced after calling a young man of Indian descent a racial slur in 2006 — was trying to make the case on why Republicans need to be more tolerant on immigration. Dave Weigel captured some of Allen’s remarks:
I grew up in a football family. In sports, what you have is a level playing field…you don’t care about race, all you care about is who can help you win. Team America has to have that same competitive spirit!

1 comment:

PrissyPatriot said...

AG Holder, this nation is a coward when it comes to the wealthy having to live by the laws of the land too. (Race could very well have something to do with that!)