Friday, February 20, 2009

Rep. Pete Sessions' office about Sir Allen: Pete didn't know that guy.

lol.. Busted...


With lawmakers scrambling to distance themselves from Allen Stanford, Bloomberg reports:

Representative Pete Sessions, a Texas Republican, got $41,375 [from Stanford's firm]. Spokeswoman Emily Davis said Sessions didn't know Stanford personally.But check out this picture we posted the other day. It's from that 2005 junket that a group of lawmakers took to Antigua (paid for by the Stanford-linked Inter-American Economic Council) and it shows Sessions, now the NRCC chair, happily chatting with the cricket-loving billionaire

1 comment:

airJackie said...

That's so funny as Sessions was all over Stanford for the money now he's caught Sessions doesn't know him. It remines me of Bush and Jack Abramoff. Bush said he didn't know Jack. Then the picture showed them together, Bush still said he didn't remember him. Then the tape with Bush asking Jack about the wife and kids even calling them by their names. Look for Cheney to say he doesn't know Scooter Libby next.