Saturday, February 14, 2009

Open thread for Saturday.

Love bites for Boner and his GOP buds in the Economic recovery bill voting yesterday. Enjoy your V-day, folks!

And added bonus here is Boner on the House floor bellyaching that Democrats snuck in 1,000 of pages of added passage to the economic stimulus bill in which he didn't have time to read the entire bill! In the second video, filmmaker Michael Moore read with a bullhorn out loud the Patriot Act bill while driving an ice cream truck to members of Congress on Capitol Hill. Moore was told by Rep. John Conyers that Congress didn't read the Patriot Act. Someone should remind Boner:


airJackie said...

Boner Boy has some bad comments from people of his district. His days are numbered before he gets kicked out. I would like to see Boner Boy without his tan. Boner is strange he not fond of minorities but he wants to look like a minortiy year round. Why?

PrissyPatriot said...

Why does he sound drunk? LOL

KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh plaaeezeee, 1,000 pages? Get ten staff people, and give them each 100 pages to read. That can be done in two or three hours. Or, get twenty staff members and give them each 50 pages. Staff people know what to look for that Boner Boy wouldn't like.

See, there's no excuse.