Friday, February 13, 2009

Obama coming to Denver, Phoenix to tout stimulus package

President Barack Obama will stop in Denver on Tuesday to promote his economic stimulus package, according to news reports.
It will be Obama’s first visit to Colorado since taking office Jan. 20.
He’ll stop in Denver on Tuesday and Phoenix on Wednesday as part of an ongoing effort to speak to Americans about the benefits of the package, the Associated Press reported.
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1 comment:

airJackie said...

President Obama is right to take his plan to the people. After listening to Law Makers who don't even know American History and I mean resent History it's clear why America is ranked so low in education. Everyone learned FDR and the GREAT DEPRESSion/NEW DEAL. But after listening to Republican Law Makers comments about that area it's clear Sarah isn't the only dumb Law Maker teaching kids wrong. One Ohio Rep. said FDR started the Great Depression, I told a friend the Great Depression started in 1929 with the Stock Market Crash and Hoover was President. Oh my our country is run by idiots.