Friday, February 20, 2009

NY Post issues qualified apology for its chimp cartoon.


Wednesday, the New York Post published a cartoon by Sean Delonas showing two police officers shooting a chimpanzee and saying, “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.” Many people immediately questioned whether the chimp was meant to be President Obama. Hundreds of people protested outside the offices of the Rupert-Murdoch owned NY Post yesterday, calling for the paper to be shut down. This evening, the Post put up an editorial apologizing to some people who were “offended by the image.” At the same time, however, editors said they were disgusted by “opportunists seek to make it something else“:


Anonymous said...

Whomever, whatever editor let this go should be at the unemployment office. Not funny on so many accounts.

PrissyPatriot said...

Not funny at all. But these guys wear their white hoods when drawing and editing, apparently. (The cats out of the bag)

Anonymous said...

Not only is the confederate flag flying mentality in place, but there was also a woman who is still clinging to life after this chimp attack. All bad in so many ways.

airJackie said...

What can I say that hasn't been said. Sticks and stones might brake my bones but names will never harm me.

SP Biloxi said...

In all perspective, the cartoon was in bad taste regardless if one feels that the cartoon was racist, a reminder of the woman attacked by a chimp, a reminder of police brutality, or offensive to animal lovers.

Anonymous said...

But why would the NY Post go brain numb? I thought they were above the rag mentality?

There are so many accounts on why this was bad, too many.