Friday, February 20, 2009

Majority of Americans disagree with Andrew Card: Jacket and tie not necessary in Oval Office.

Last month, former Bush chief of staff Andrew Card criticized President Obama for not requiring a jacket and tie in the Oval Office, claiming that it brought a “kind of locker room experience” to the White House. Obama Senior Adviser David Axelrod hit back at Card recently, saying that “[w]e’re wearing short sleeves because we have to roll up our sleeves and clean up the mess that we inherited.” According to a new Fox News poll, 68 percent of Americans agree with Obama and Axelrod:
But when Obama decided to ditch the suit coat in the Oval Office some people took offense, such as former White House Chief of Staff Andy Card who said there should be a “dress code of respect” in the White House. The public is a little more button-downed about it: 68 percent are okay with a more “relaxed and casual” dress code, while 26 percent think a coat and tie should be required in the Oval Office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But it was ok to wear cowboy boots and an obnoxious belt buckle?