Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lawmakers' Caribbean junket pics with Allen Stanford.

Second pic below is Harris and Sir Allen gazing into each other's eyes.

We've put together a slideshow of that 2005 junket that a group of lawmakers -- including Katherine Harris, Tom Feeney, John Sweeney, James Clyburn, and Pete Sessions, went on to Antigua, paid for by an organization with close ties to Stanford.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

When all the names of Democrats and Republicans come out the voters will understand where the money went. Now don't think Stanford or Madoff were the only two there are many many more who used the US Treasury and investors to get rich over the pass 8 years. This is just the beginning of a long list of criminals. Each Department turned a blind eye to their friends and Cheney yelled " Let the stealing begin".