Monday, February 16, 2009

Kalifornia budget is run by "Girly Men"

No budget on Sunday. Lawmakers will try again today.

Crooks and Liars:

California is about to go out of business quite literally and still these idiot tax cutting freaky Republicans like Sen. Dave Cox are doing their best to do just that. A lot of Americans don't know that California has a weird super majority vote needed whenever raising taxes is involved at any level. And Republicans refuse to raise a single thing even when we're on the brink. Read what this moron, Cox said about his no vote:
The hang-up came in trying to reach the required two-thirds majority in each house, where three Republican votes are needed. The Assembly appeared to have sufficient votes lined up, but the Senate was falling one short.
Debate halted after Republican Sen. Dave Cox told reporters he was against tax increases and would not support the two-year budget fix. Before the Legislature convened on Saturday, it was thought that Cox might have supported the plan.''You can't help the economy of the state of California by raising taxes. Yes, there's a big deficit. But in the final analysis, you're going to have to find another way to do it,'' Cox said. ''My answer is no, and I'm not looking for additional information. I've made my decision.''


airJackie said...

Republicans have done so poorly in California it'is time for tricks. Cox is stalling because he knows Obama passed the stimulus package and most of the areas that need money is in that packsge. So Cox will come out during election time and say Republicans stopped taxes from going up and a Republicans should be Govenor. Notice how Govenor Terminator is at home watching porn or walking the streets of Hollywood with no underwear on as he looks for woman. This is another game being played as the California Republican Party saw Hillary and Obama get many Republican votes and during the Presidential Election with voting done early Obama swipe the votes as McCain got very few and remember McCain didn't get any money. Palin came to the State of California and walked away with 2,800 dollars. Not a good showing for one of the biggest States in the USA.

KittyBowTie1 said...

TV news here showed CA lawmakers asleep in their chairs in the middle of the night. Illinois might be better off with its politicians asleep. They can't take bribes when they're sleeping.