Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's all about the Senate seat numbers.

GOP Senators Spend Big to Keep Minnesota Seat Vacant By John Nichols 17 Feb 2009 It is now clear that Senate Republicans have a strategy for maintaining their ability to stall -- or, at the least, dramatically alter -- Obama administration initiatives. Individual GOP senators are paying big bucks to keep the Senate's 100th seat -- representing Minnesota -- vacant for as long as possible. In effect, key Republicans such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are paying $10,000 a piece to maintain their power to obstruct Congress.

Senate seats 100 members. Currently, there are 56 Democrats, 41 GOPs, 1 Independent, 1 Independent Democrat, and 1 seat vacant which is the Minnesota Senate seat.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Smart move but it wont work as we see with the Stimulus Bill. Now as President Obama said things will get worse more people will be looking for help.