Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ifill to Juan Williams: People should ‘make a better effort to know what they’re talking about’


Yesterday, PBS Senior Correspondent Gwen Ifill was at the Center for American Progress for an event on her new book, The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama. Afterward, she sat down with ThinkProgress, and we asked her about her thoughts on NPR analyst Juan Williams’s recent comments comparing Michelle Obama to Stokely Carmichael in a designer dress.
Ifill politely declined to comment on these specific comments, but made clear that she often disagrees with him. She also said that reporters who are supposed to just “gather the news” need to be careful about slipping into punditry:

IFILL: Well, there are a couple of different questions there. Since Juan was one of the people who criticized my book before it was published, I really — I just leave it at that. I think that people really should make a better effort to know what they’re talking about.

But in general, the whole idea of this line between commentary and straight journalism, is a fuzzy one, and it gets fuzzier every day, in part because of the growth of new technology. But I also think it can be a fairly bright line if we bother to draw it. It is really easy to tell the difference. … But the viewer doesn’t often see the distinction; they think everyone is doing this.


KittyBowTie1 said...

How politically incorrect would it be to call Juan Williams an Uncle Tom for the Republican Party?

airJackie said...

Go Gwen and she's an American too.
She used words to cut Juan down to the trash he is.