Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Guv. Jindal advertising to promote response.

Guv. Bobby Jindal gave a zombie like performance on his so-called rebuttal to Obama's State Address last night. Even Fox News, of all stations, gave Jindal's snake oil speech a thumbs down. This speech was certainly a prelude to his preparation to a possible 2012 Presidential run. Keep your eye on Eric Cantor, the little Newt lawmaker in Virginia, and the GOP's switch to promote Cantor if Jindal fizzles out. Remember the GOP put freshman Congressman Cao to be hopeful [Now, the constituents of Louisiana are petitioning to have Cao recalled]. Now, it is Jindal. I wouldn't be surprised if Cantor is eyed by GOP for 2012.

An ad on YouTube that linked back to a Jindal response Web site "Paid for by Friends of Bobby Jindal." On the site, you can read about Jindal, donate or even log onto his Facebook page. (The response is also being promoted prominently on the front page of

From the site: "You can receive early excerpts of the speech by signing up in the form to the right.

Not only will you receive the early excerpts, but you will also be able to watch the speech on this page ("

Evan Tracey, who tracks advertising at TNS Media Intelligence/CMAG, tells First Read that the Jindal Web ads are low-cost (compared to TV or radio). About a few thousand dollars was spent on them, and they are running on sites to targeted demographics, particularly "the base and opinion leaders," Tracey said.

The ads highlight ambitiousness on one hand -- raising Jindal's profile two years out from re-election and three years from the presidential election -- as well as Web savviness on the other. The Republican Party has talked about getting younger and trying to make up ground with Obama on the tech front. This is at least one sign that Jindal is trying to show he recognizes that and is ahead of the curve.


Anonymous said...

I thought Jindal came from India, making him born there, therefore inelligible for the Presidential run.

What ticks me off is they all were happy about the Gerbil's stimulus plan that ended up funding bonuses, parties and other extravaganza's for those bailed out. But it was ok for the gerbil administration to get us in so much debt, now they are worrying about Obama getting us in more debt?

airJackie said...

TGCN your right about Jindal but he was born on US soil when his Mother gave birth he was conserved in India. He parents came to the US to make money. He is also racist as in his culture his skin color and wealth gives him a higher status in India. He looks down on other races in the US. Now the real story is he believes in Exorcism and wrote a paper on his experience while in college. Jindal is a WACKO, but smart.

He only talked about not wanting the Stimulus Package to support his Parties attack on Obama. He quickly left for vacation right after his TV campaign speech. Now it's left up to the Lt. Govenor to decised about the money. The Lt. Governor already said he would accept the money. Jindal is playing both ends. If the Package fails he uses it to run for President. If Obama succeeds Jindal will say it was he who help the people of Louisiana.