Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Congressional junkets justified and defended as work-based.

Yes, folks, our dime! And these are the same Congressional leaders that have tarred and feathered the Wall Street CEOs that received TARP and spent it on junkets? The pot calling the kettle black as one should say.

HOT SPRINGS, Va. -- Republican members of the House of Representatives took a break earlier this month from bashing the Democrats' $800 billion stimulus bill and journeyed here to the Homestead Resort, an 18th-century mountain spa, where the diversions include golf, skiing, skeet shooting and falconry.
Republican lawmakers paid for their travel and lodging, mostly with campaign funds. Staffers' bills and the rest of the tab was picked up by the Congressional Institute, which is funded by 54 "patrons," including General Electric Co. and the National Association of Home Builders. About 45 lobbyists attended a dinner on opening night.
House Republican Conference spokesman Matt Lloyd, said Republicans accept
partial corporate funding of the retreat because "We don't believe in using taxpayer money."
A few days later, as the stimulus bill inched forward, Democrats held a two-day issues conference at the Kingsmill Resort & Spa in Williamsburg, Va., a property owned by brewer Anheuser Bush-Inbev NV and whose spa is known for its hops and chamomile massage. Taxpayers helped foot the bill, which was paid partly with money appropriated for congressional office expenses.
"Our issues conference, especially this year, was a very serious working session," said Emily Barocas, spokeswoman for the Democratic Caucus. President Barack Obama took his maiden Air Force One voyage to rally support from fellow Democrats for the stimulus plan.
The sour economy and public outrage have put a damper on corporate junkets to posh resorts, especially for banks that took taxpayers' money as part of the financial rescue plan.
But as they fume over inflated salaries and lavish travel by executives whose companies are on the federal dole, members of Congress are getting a raise, and making travel plans.
Last month, when 600,000 Americans lost their jobs, the House and Senate allowed themselves a $4,700 cost-of-living raise, bringing their annual salaries to $174,000. This week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic House leaders said they would forgo a similar increase next year. So far the Senate hasn't followed suit, but a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada said they plan to.
Read on.

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