Saturday, February 14, 2009

Burris "revises" testimony regarding Blago.


If he was tainted before, he is covered in Blago stain now:

Roland W. Burris acknowledged Saturday that the brother of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich solicited a campaign contribution from him several times in the weeks and months before Mr. Blagojevich appointed Mr. Burris to succeed President Obama as Illinois’s junior senator. . . . Mr. Burris said he provided the new affidavit to “supplement” earlier sworn testimony he gave before state lawmakers seeking to impeach Mr. Blagojevich. . . . [D]uring his testimony in January before the impeachment committee — just before he was seated in the Senate — Mr. Burris was asked directly whether he had talked to any person on a list of Blagojevich confidants . . . , but mentioned nothing of Rob Blagojevich’s more recent efforts seeking campaign contributions.

. . . “If it turns out this was some sort of attempt to avoid this coming out as part of the appointment process, then he doesn’t deserve to be senator,” Christine Radogno, the Republican leader of the State Senate, told The Sun-Times. “I think the whole thing stinks to high heaven.”

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

"Lying is like throwing sand into the umpire's face."

U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald