Monday, February 16, 2009

Burris in hot water.

[Hat tip: Progress Illinois]

* Transcript

REPRESENTATIVE DURKIN: Did you talk to any members of the Governor’s staff or anyone closely related to the Governor, including family members or any lobbyists connected with him, including let me throw out some names, John Harris, Rob Blagojevich, Doug Scofield, Bob Greenleaf, Lon Monk, John Wyma, did you talk to anybody who was associated with the Governor about your desire to seek the appointment prior to the Governor’s arrest?

MR. WRIGHT: Give us a moment.

MR. BURRIS: I talked to some friends about my desire to be appointed, yes.

And this:

MR. BURRIS: Representative Durkin, knowingmy ethics, I would not participate in anybody's quidpro quo. I've been in government for 20 years andnever participated in anybody's quid pro quo.

REPRESENTATIVE DURKIN: I guess the point iswould you have gone to the federal authorities if youwere aware of that?

MR. BURRIS: I have no response to that.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Ok enough of this I listen to the testimoney by Burris under oath and it's clear he lied. Now this time the Republicans are right Burris should be charged with perjury. I think the new Govenor should appoint a temp or if Illinois is having a special election for Rahm's seat add Obama's seat on the ballot too. Burris got what he wanted his name as Senator can now be put on his grave stone. Let's just move on and try our best to forget Burris's name.

If I had a vote I'd vote for Mr. Kitty Bowtie because well I like him alot.