Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aerosmith tells Cantor to stop using its music.


Stage Three Music, which owns the rights to the Aerosmith song, has objected to Cantor’s use of the song. TPM reports:

Cantor’s clip has been pulled from YouTube after a copyright infringement claim made by Stage Three Music, which owns the rights to “Back in the Saddle.” The GOP’s use of the tune “was something we, as the publishers, didn’t approve and would not have approved without going to the writers,” Connie Ashton, director of copyright and licensing at Stage Three, told me. “Aerosmith did not approve of its use and also wanted to have it taken down,” she added.
Ashton said that House Republicans never contacted Stage Three to request use of “Back in the Saddle.”

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

Ha! The cat was right.