Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Reid: Free Uncle Ted Stevens!

And I wonder who got to Reid..


Former senator Ted Stevens (yes, now actually former) is keeping up the fight against his guilty verdict -- and now Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid has lent him a hand.

Reid told Politico that he believes Stevens shouldn't serve jail time.
My personal feeling, you guys, I don't know what good that [would do]... He was a real war hero too, you know. He's been punished enough.

Reid said he thinks Stevens was simply behind the curve of modern ethics standards in not disclosing the $250,000 in gifts he received from VECO CEO Bill Allen, saying of the famously internet-unsavvy Uncle Ted that "it's a different world we live in, and Stevens did not understand that."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Reid owes favors to the GOP and their calling it in now. Reid has been doing backroom illegal deals for along time with the GOP now it's time to pay up. Reid will lose his re=election bid and retire to be an old Lobbyist.