Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Obama's letter to G-Rod less than a week before Blago's arrest.

Judicial Watch received documents from the office of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich through the Freedom of Information Act related to Blagojevich's contacts with President-elect Obama and his transition team. The documents include a December 3, 2008, letter from Barack Obama following his December 2, 2008, meeting with Blagojevich as well as a November 17, 2008, letter signed by Presidential Transition Team co-chairs Valerie Jarrett and John Podesta providing Blagojevich with a list of transition team contacts.

The following are excerpts from the letter signed by President-elect Obama (see above pic) on December 3, 2008, less than one week before authorities arrested Blagojevich for attempting to "sell" Obama’s now-vacant Senate seat, among other corruption charges:
"Thank you for meeting with me on Tuesday in Philadelphia. Vice President-elect Joe Biden and I were pleased with the open discussion."
"As we discussed, I would appreciate any advice you can provide to me and my team on the biggest roadblocks to states in moving forward in ‘getting ready to go' projects started quickly."
"In addition, I welcome any advice you can provide me and my team on revitalizing and reinvigorating the state-federal partnership. I want to make it a priority of my Administration to work closely with you."
"I look forward to working with you and hitting the ground running on January 20th."
The November 17, 2008, letter signed by Jarrett and Podesta states:
"On behalf of President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden we want you to know of our strong interest in working with you in the months to come. As you may know we have formed a Presidential Transition Team so that the new Administration will be prepared to confront the extraordinary challenges facing our country. Your leadership and experience will be invaluable in this effort and we hope you will not hesitate to share your insights during this process."

This is of course is much ado about anything. Clearly, there was no wrongdoing from Obama nor his staff as pertained by Fitz's criminal complaint about Blago. I suspect that there is still lingering questions in one's mind is to why Obama didn't released the letter from the beginning. As stated from the Obama transition team that Fitz wanted want them to delay the release of Obama's side in the Blago probe because Blago's case is still an on-going investigation. Regardless if Obama released the letter from the beginning, I don't think that it will satisfy the critics against him. After all, the media jumped to conclusion on the part of Emmanuel and Jackson Jr. into Blago's alleged attempt to sell Obama's Senate seat. The bottomline is that Obama nor his team is targeted in the Fitz's investigation against Blago. And this is all that is the major concern.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is just another sad moment for this state.

Note Patrick Collins former Asst. US Attorney who put our last Governor in jail is on a new committee. This guy is to be watched he is all over this Blago thing now