Sunday, January 04, 2009

Obama reaching out to Repub leadership on his economic plans.

Crooks and Liars:

According to this CNN report on Friday, Barack Obama is looking to woo Republican support for his economic plans. Indeed, Obama is sitting down with some of the GOP leadership on Monday.

But the Village View is pronounced herein by the Politico's Ken Vogel:
As long as Obama is appearing not to be catering to the Left base of the Democratic Party, and is making at least to involve Republicans and not alienate them, I believe he will be able to claim that he is taking a post-partisan approach.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Obama might find it hard to deal with the GOP representatives and might have more success going to the Republican people who are suffering right now. The GOP Law Makers really aren't interested in helping the people it's more about lineing their pockets with kick backs their getting. Look at John Boehner who's State is one of the worse yet he could care less about helping them. A Republican Governor name Sanford watched his citizens unemployment money run out without blinking a eye it took other Republicans to force him to help the people of his State.