Monday, January 05, 2009

NYT: Obama plans quick action to overturn Ledbetter decision.

WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress are planning swift action to overturn a Supreme Court decision that made it much harder for people to challenge discrimination in employment, education, housing and other fields.

The decision, involving a woman named Lilly M. Ledbetter, who had accused her employer of sex-based pay discrimination, was issued in May 2007. Since then, courts around the country have gone far beyond the facts of that case and cited it as a reason for rejecting lawsuits claiming discrimination based on race, sex, age and disability.
Read on.


KittyBowTie1 said...


If a person goes to the trouble of hiring a lawyer and trying this, a lawsuit like Ledbetter's is not the same as something like the hot coffee at McDonald's. The McDonald's hot coffee can just be avoided by buying coffee elsewhere (or not sticking the cup between one's knees). People can't just go to another restaurant with jobs.

KittyBowTie1 said...

The same goes with housing and education. There are not very many options for employment, housing, or education. All of those can be life changing opportunities that people should not be denied a chance to get.

(Buying coffee at a different fast food restaurant instead of McDonald's is not a life changing event).

airJackie said...

Obama is a man of his word and many will benefit from his quick action.

Mr. Kitty stay way from coffee it's making you over active.