Wednesday, January 07, 2009

MAnn Coulter on CBS News promoting her book.

(CBS) Ann Coulter says liberals should look in the mirror.

In her latest book, "Guilty: Liberal 'Victims' and Their Assault on America," the conservative firebrand stirs up controversy again, contending that liberals in America try to play victim when really, they're the bullies.

While she's at it, she points fingers at what she calls the liberal media.

"(The book is) basically about how victimhood is rewarded and everyone wants to be a victim," Coulter told CBS News. "It's about the rewards and praise you get for being a victim and the way liberals use victimhood and they oppress others."

At one point in "Guilty," Coulter remarks about an interview of Sen. Ted Kennedy by Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith in which Smith asks Kennedy if Barack Obama is at increased risk of being assassinated because he's African American. She dismisses the notion, saying presidential assassinations have been the work of left-wingers or people with no political leanings at all. She said conservatives Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and President George Bush are more likely targets of an assassination than the president-elect.

Coulter and Smith met face-to-face on The Early Show Tuesday, and didn't mince words about that issue or anything else.

Among other things, Coulter contended that liberals are at fault for the skyrocketing rate of out-of-wedlock births in the U.S.

Smith said, in one context, Coulter is a whiner, and accused Coulter of doing the very thing she claims liberals do: playing the victim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ann Creature knows she will be silenced when people start waking up to the GOP activities from the Cheney/Clown years.

Once Obama gets in and does something the Insannity Weasel, Creaturegast, Falafel King won't be listened to.