Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Hold off on the balloons! Jeb Bush will not run for Senate.

Crooks and Liars:
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush will not run for the open Senate seat of Sen. Mel Martinez, he announced in a statement released moments ago.
"After thoughtful consideration, I have decided not to run for the United States Senate in 2010," said Bush. "While the opportunity to serve my state and country during these turbulent and dynamic times is compelling, now is not the right time to return to elected office."
Bush's decision robs Republicans of a top-tier recruit who would have immediately been favored to hold Martinez's seat. Without Bush in the race, Republicans are almost certain to play host to a crowded and competitive primary.
The announcement comes after 48 hours of rampant rumors among the Florida political community that Bush had decided not to make the race.


Anonymous said...

This country had O D ed on Bushes and the Clown family.

airJackie said...

Two idiots from the same Family. One would hope it was because Barbara and George H. were related that caused the metally ill sons. Now Jeb will go back to looking for woman as his children go deeper in drugs and alcohol. GW will see dead people and drink as much as possible to kill the pain. He'll use drugs to go to never never land where the spritis like him. Daddy Bush looks to be 100 he's aged so much and both hips are gone. Barbara now has to deal with the Country Club ladies laughing behind her back at how dumb her two sons are. Plus some of the Bush's friends got caught in the Madoff scam.