Sunday, January 04, 2009

Deborah Jeane Palfrey set up her Estate including trust funds.

And certainly the last laugh is on the government. The players got played. Jeane still won in the end. She knew the government's game. Still, it is a sad ending for her but poetic justice.

The D.C. court issued an Order several months ago for both sides, Deborah Jeane Palfrey's mother, Blanche Palfrey and the Government to try to mediate a settlement between them and to keep the Court informed via filed
Status Reports by the Estate. But, Ms. Palfrey left a bombshell for the Government.

Ms. Palfrey left a Will that her Estate that was found in September 2008 among her belongings in one of the three properties she owned that is now in a Civil Forfeiture Suit where the government is still attempting to take all of the property.

The Estate made a disclosure to the court. Deborah Jeane Palfrey left all of her assets in a trust fund for “The Innocence Project”, whom has notified the Estate that that they intend to file in the Probate Courts that The Innocence Project will fight legally to see that Deborah Palfrey last wish would be followed.

“The Innocence Project” is a national litigation and public policy organization dedicated to exonerating wrongfully convicted people through DNA testing and reforming the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. On their home page they have a note up that because of them 20 people were clear in 2008 and are home this year to celebrate the holidays.”

As we informed the Court in the October 6, 2008, Status Report, in addition to the discovery of the Will, the Executor discovered documents setting forth the terms of a Trust established by Deborah Jeane Palfrey. The Trust was created for the benefit of Deborah JeanePalfrey during her life and a non-profit organization, The Innocence Project, following her death.

We have been advised that the successor trustee(s) designated in the Trust documents have declined to serve in that capacity, and upon information and belief, the matter of the appointment of a successor Trustee is pending before a Florida court.

Next court date is on February 23, 2009.


PrissyPatriot said...

Good for her, having the last laugh on those who persecuted her without mercy...or justice being part of the equation.

airJackie said...

I'm so proud of Jean she is up there being one of the smartest woman in America. She will pave the way for future woman who might be used by the Govenement or any agency. Now the Prosecutor and those involved in setting Jean up most likely soiled on themselves with this notice. I look forward to Jean's name being cleared and thanks SPB for allowing us to know the truth as the Media backed the criminals. Now I want Smokin Gun to say how they got their false information. What's sad is how easy people were willing to believe the lie. When Jean said what her business was many just took the word of the Prosecutor and thought prostitution. Well I looked up in my local yellow pages and found many businesses like Jean's. Now I live in California and I guess you'd call this the valley not LA but we have business's her like Jean had. I guess that's why it's easy to bring the US down as Americans look to be told and not think for themselves. Oh back in New Jersey and while I visited New York too their yellow pages have lots of businesses like Jean's. Now New York really has more I just liked at the New York City yellow pages.
I'll be visiting DC and of course the White House and the Supreme Court this year I'll be sure to check those yellow pages too. Jean has helped people she wont even know for many decades to come. Most Americans really don't care but until their faced with going to jail for 50 years for something they didn't do it will remain the same for those few.