Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Bush: Rummy did an ‘outstanding job.’


This morning, during his speech at the Armed Forces Farewell Ceremony, President Bush took a minute to single out Donald Rumsfeld, saying he did an “outstanding job” as Defense Secretary:
Mr. Vice President, I am proud to serve with you for eight years. The military has had no staunch a defender in my administration than Vice President Dick Cheney. I thank members of the cabinet, members of the administration, and former members of the cabinet, especially the former secretary of defense, who did an outstanding job, Secretary Don Rumsfeld.


Anonymous said...

would be so glad if i never heard the name rumsfeld again. troop abuser, plain and simple.

airJackie said...

Millions of those he had killed support Bush's actions. Thousands of US soldiers who lied will be grateful for Rummy making sure they no longer have a life and of course the injured soldiers are right there in Bush's corner. Now that's what is really happening as the living and the families of those Rummy killed would love to see him got to jail and get waterboarded.