Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Brent Wilkes expected to leave prison Tuesday, pending appeal.


Brent Wilkes, the former defense contractor who's serving a jail sentence for bribing former GOP congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham, is expected to leave prison Tuesday, reports the San Diego-area North County Times .
Says the paper:
On Monday, a federal judge signed the order allowing Wilkes to leave prison on bail while he appeals his conviction for the bribery of the ex-North County Republican lawmaker. As of this morning, however, the 54-year-old remained behind bars at Terminal Island Federal Correctional Institution in Los Angeles County.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Wilkes will quickly be calling some old Law Makers who got some of that stolen money. He'll be calling Bush and Cheney for last minute help in this one. It's now every man/rat for himself. Diane Feinstein's husband is on that list of calls for help.