Saturday, October 25, 2008

SPB News for Saturday.

I never thought for a minute that I was going to be convicted': Siegelman.
GOP bigwigs bailing on McCainColin Powell's attack on McCain last Sunday was only the beginning.
Reagan Appointee and (Recent) McCain Adviser Charles Fried Supports Obama — Charles Fried, a professor at Harvard Law School, has long been one of the most important conservative thinkers in the United States. Under President Reagan, he served, with great distinction, as Solicitor General of the United States.

Government computers used to find information on Joe the Plumber — Investigators trying to determine whether access was illegal — “State and local officials are investigating if state and law-enforcement computer systems were illegally accessed when they were tapped for personal information about “Joe the Plumber.

Bachmann tapes apology ad — Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) has taped an advertisement apologizing for her televised comments calling Barack Obama anti-American, according to a Republican source familiar with her campaign's decision. — Bachmann campaign spokeswoman Michelle Marston …

Memo To Palin: Fruit Fly Research Has Led To Advances In Understanding Autism — Yesterday morning, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) gave her first policy speech urging the federal government to fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), “a law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation.”

Goalie injured after tripping on Palin carpet — ST. LOUIS (AP)—Blues goalie Manny Legace left after one period Friday night with a hip injury that occurred when he slipped on the carpet placed on the ice for Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Dems say McCain broke own law Democratic officials tell Politico that they plan to file a Federal Election Commission complaint on Monday accusing the McCain campaign of being "a serial violator" of campaign finance laws. In one case, Russia's ambassador to the United Nations was solicited for a donation. But the McCain campaign says that’s because his name was on a list rented from Foreign Affairs magazine.

'Frugal' Sarah Palin faces second hearing on Troopergate Sarah Palin dismissed criticism over the $150,000 (£94,000) spent on her clothes since becoming John McCain’s running-mate, amid mounting evidence that she has become a significant drag on the Republican ticket. The Governor of Alaska spoke hours before giving a sworn deposition in the Troopergate inquiry in a hotel in St Louis, Missouri, as a second investigation opened into whether she abused her office by trying to have a state policeman fired to settle a personal score. A first report issued earlier this month concluded that she violated ethics laws in attempts to get her former brother-in-law sacked.

Treasury to Extend Bailout Funds to Insurance Companies The Treasury Department is working on ways to broaden its $700 billion bank rescue program to help insurance companies that are a critical backstop to a wide range of deals, bond issues and leasing arrangements, sources familiar with the matter said.

KBR gets military projects worth $197 million Engineering, construction and services company KBR Inc. said late Thursday it received multiple project task orders from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers totaling just over $197 million. KBR will provide design, engineering, construction management and project management services. Work is expected to begin immediately.

Bahrain questions US war on terror Bahrain's prime minister says the war on [of] terror advocated by the White House has bolstered violence and terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq. "The objective (of the war on terror) was to reinstate security and stability in Afghanistan and Iraq and purge terrorism. The current situation, however, runs counter to that goal," Khalifa bin Salman al-Khalifa said Wednesday.

Barr Says McCain is on his 'Farewell Tour' Bob Barr says that Sen. John McCain is on his "farewell tour" across America, as it has become clear that Sen. McCain has no realistic chance of winning the presidential election. "The wheels on the Straight Talk Express have come off," says Barr, the Libertarian Party's nominee for president. "Sen. McCain will be spending the last two weeks before the election on his 'farewell tour' across America."

Palin divides the country and her own party What we're finding on this trip is that Sarah Palin is an extremely polarising figure. She thrills socially conservative Republicans while alienating moderate Republicans and enraging Democrats, and we saw that during our trip through Colorado. John McCain wasn't social conservatives' first choice of candidate, but they cheered his choice of Sarah Palin. In an interview this week, Palin told Colorado Springs-based evangelical leader and broadcaster James Dobson that God "would do the right thing" on election day.

Palin adds to wardrobe before Reno campaign stop Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin's wardrobe has grown--even after $150,000 worth of designer clothes, hairstyling and accessories the Republican Party provided for her. On Monday, the day before the Alaska governor appeared at a Reno rally, one of her assistants bought her a new suit for the occasion at an Ann Taylor store in an upscale Reno mall.
Campaign trail for Saturday:
Obama-Biden team
10/25 Barack in Reno, NV @ 12:30pm EST
10/25 Barack in Las Vegas, NV (LIVE) @ 6pm EST
10/25 Barack in Albuquerque, NM (LIVE) @ 11pm EST
10/25 Joe in Suffolk, VA (LIVE) @ 11am EST
10/25 Jill in Orlando, FL @ 10:30am EST
10/25 Jill in Lakeland, FL @ 1pm EST
10/25 Jill in Tampa, FL @ 2:45pm EST
McCain-Palin team


Road to Victory Rally in Albuquerque, NM

Road to Victory Rally in Sioux City, IA


KittyBowTie1 said...

Mama was at a nice dinner in Chicago the other night. Helen Thomas was supposed to be there to get an award but she was ill and could not be there in person. There was a video biography and a video message from her saying she could not travel to be there.

What a great lady, and I hope she gets better so she can welcome President Obama with some hard questions in January!

KittyBowTie1 said...

It looks like Palin is the 21st century Marie Antoinette:

Let them eat cake.

(although she did not say those exact words, the message was the same)

SP Biloxi said...

Glad Mama had a nice dinner. Hope you got some left over yummies from Mama for being such a good cat. ;-)

Hope Ms. Thomas gets well as she will keep her usual seat in the press conference when Obama becomes President. And I have missed all of the latest news on that twit Palin. I have been traveling that I haven't seen anything today on the McCain-Palin saga. Will catch up on the latest.