Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sarah Palin who?


The LA Times reports on Gov. Sarah Palin's college years.
In the five years of her collegiate career, spanning four universities in three states, Palin left behind few traces. Not many professors or students even remember her.....interviews with a dozen professors yielded not a single snippet of a memory.

...."Looking at this dynamic personality now, it mystifies me that I wouldn't remember her," said Jim Fisher, Palin's journalism instructor at the University of Idaho, where she graduated with a bachelor of science degree in journalism in 1987.

Palin, he said, took his public affairs reporting class, an upper-division course limited to 15 students. "It's the funniest damn thing," Fisher said. "No one can recall her." "I don't remember her," said Roy Atwood, Palin's academic advisor at the university.


airJackie said...

Look Bush was proud to announce he was given his BA Degree because of his last name. He said he was drunk for 4 years. Now for those who might think that's a lie. Bush was guess speaker at Princetion University and it was shown on TV. Yes afterward he laughed but never said it was a lie. I guess the words that struck me the most were these as he told the students:

If your poor work hard and get good grades so you can get a good paying job. If your rich like me it dosen't matter who knows you could even because President like me.

PrissyPatriot said...

"Socialism for the Rich" and "Affirmative Action for Rich kids"...why its "the dole" Dubya relied upon his entire life...he'd be nowhere and a nobody without it.

Sarah-much like Dubya without the cash- must have been a below average student-or they would have remembered her.

By the way Senator McCain-just how long HAVE you had 'taxpayer subsidized health care benefits'? (Hint: From the day he was born)