Monday, October 27, 2008

RNC donors on Palin's clothing: "not the change they wanted"


Newsweek reports
RNC donors were furious about the $150,000 clothing expense shelled out for Gov. Sarah Palin's clothes.

Lobbyist Andrea McWilliams, a GOP fundraiser in Texas, said the flap undercut the party's message. Palin's "transformation from low couture to haute couture isn't the kind of change that voters had in mind," she said.

Marty Eisenstadt takes a closer look at the expenditure form and notes that the second make-up artist, Tracy Thorpe, was flown in and paid $900 to give Sarah Palin a spray tan to get rid of her "Eskimo tan."

1 comment:

KittyBowTie1 said...

And to counter any sexism that Elizabeth Hassleback mistakenly claims is in play, anyone remember everyone going bonkers with G-Rod spent $600 of taxpayers' dollars on a make over and haircut for a speech?

I certainly remember, and I think he ended up paying it back.