Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Rice: U.S. economy is ‘big and strong.’


Last month, well after several of Wall Street’s financial institutions had collapsed, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice curiously claimed that “the fundamentals of the U.S. economy are strong.” In an interview with BBC yesterday, Rice again made the same argument, saying that the economy is “big and strong”:

RICE: But while the U.S. economy has slowed, it is still an innovative economy, a creative economy, the economy in which still more than one in every 10 patents in the world are done in a very small area in California. This is a big and strong economy. And I doubt very seriously that it’s going to be supplanted by any other economy in the world for a long, long time to come.


airJackie said...

Most of the White House appointees have said the same thing. Even John McCain said the same thing. Now Connie might be singing a different toon on Jan. 20th. Let's hope she will join her sole mate in Israel, if Connie stold enough money her and her female sole mate should live a good life. Maybe they can adopt a child together if they allow that in Israel.

PrissyPatriot said...

They "just very close friends" Jackie! LOL

airJackie said...

Prissy we'll see if your right after Jan. 20th. Now those inside McCain's camp reported the reason why Connie wasn't chosen as VP. It was because she's gay and McCain thought that wouldn't be good for his issures.

Now for over 18 months reports have been flying around about Laura/George divorce. Many sit and watch them act like a couple and of course say they are a loving couple. I read the Texas news paper that showed the divoce complaint she filed. Still people just call it rumors. Now both the National Enquire and the Texas news paper gave the settlement agreement of the Laura/George Bush divorce. Sometimes even if you don't want to believe it. Facts don't change even if we don't believe.
Connie has a soul mate in Israel and that's a fact. She kept it low until she found out Connie was seeing another woman is California and let this new woman move in her Condo.

Things we don't want to believe. McCain has black relatives, Sarah doesn't read, Bush lied, Thurman had a black daughter, Larry Craig looking for sex in the men's room, Foley looking to molest kids and so much more. We will learn more after Bush leaves office that will shock people. Right now our troops are still getting poor treatment in Walter Reed and still our troops have no supplies or equipment. Yes Prissy I see get the calls and emails from Afganistan and Iraq. Until people look for the truth they will continue to believe the lie.