Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palin opposes Colo. amendment that would benefit special needs kids.


On CNN , Sarah Palin was interviewed by Drew Griffin. I heard a portion driving home. She told Griffin that as Vice-President, McCain's roles for her will be (1) government reform (2) energy independence -- her "forte as governor" she said and (3) special needs children.

In Colorado, Palin told 9News she opposes Amendment 51 on our ballot that would provide services to special needs children through a one cent sales tax increase on every $10 spent for the next two years.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

In other words Sarah will say anything for a vote but could care less about the truth. Now at lease we know Sarah not only is a liar as a Govenor but if elected she will continue to lie as VP when she finds out what the job is.