Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palin: ‘I’m not going to call’ Obama ‘a socialist,’ but he believes in socialism

Yesterday, Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) sat down with CNN for the first time. During the interview, CNN reporter Drew Griffin noted that “socialism” has “come up on the campaign trail.” But when Griffin asked, “is Barack Obama a socialist,” Palin dodged and deferred to “Joe the plumber“:

PALIN: I’m not going to call him a socialist but as Joe the plumber has suggested, in fact, he came right out and said it, it sounds like socialism to him and he speaks for so many Americans who are quite concerned now after hearing finally what Barack Obama’s true intentions are with his tax and economic plan.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Lowery, Matthews and other sick male Journalist got their Sarah doll to drull over. These guys are to funny.

Most Americans don't even know what a Socialist or Maxist is as this tells how far back McCain is thinking. Let's just say Obama/Biden are using the formular that built this country to it's greatness. It's the people all the people that made the USA the model to the World.