Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Interview with former CIA operative Robert Baer.

John Williams Uncut 82
Listen Now! (mp3) John talks with former CIA operative Robert Baer about his new book The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower.

Some tips from Baer from his interview:
1. Talk to Iranians

2. Lift sanctions of Iranians

3. Find a stability in Iraq and pull out from both countries [Afghanistan amd Iraq].

4. Find a way to stop the Talibans


Anonymous said...

Very good interview by someone who has been there for decades.

Also he mentions the French and Germans talked with the Iranians and now have no problems

Also the Iranians are more civilized than this Administration/News lets on, they also have an organized military which is rare in the region
And that we should have kept the military intact in Iraq and used it.
Also he sees us being in the Iraq/Afghanistan for at least 50 years and we need to get out, lack of foresight

He does not see Iraq ever being one country but divided in three (sunni/Kurd/shite)

But most importantly he knows and understands that the Supreme Leader runs Iran, and that, the Ayatollah who is that Supreme leader is a rational understanding leader.

Anonymous said...

He also did state that the 9/11 hijackers were Saudi, trained, organized and came from Saudi, and they are our biggest allies

KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, duh.

It's too bad too many people are too stupid to listen.