Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's official: OSC Scott Bloch is fired!

From Government Executive:

Scott Bloch, the embattled head of the U.S. Special Counsel, was fired today in a meeting with White House officials, according to several sources. Bloch is under federal investigation for possible obstruction of justice for destroying computer files sought by investigators in prior probe into whether he retaliated illegally against whistleblowers in his office.

On Monday Bloch announced plans to resign on Jan. 5. OSC employees said Federal Protective Service employees barred Bloch from his office today. The agency has an all-hands meeting at 4 p.m.

From Project on Government Oversight (POGO):

There were federal agents from the FBI and/or Federal Protective Service stationed at the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) while Special Counsel Scott Bloch was having a White House meeting this morning (at their request).

Update: The President has appointed William E. Reukauf to be acting Special Counsel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
