Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finding people willing to vote for a Bush, a tarnished name.

The last name Bush is an albatross.

Judge Bush [no relation to George W. Bush] in Hennepin County, Minnesota is saddled with a problem this election year: his name.

Bush, who was appointed by DFL Gov. Rudy Perpich in 1989 and was a public defender for years before that, has stood for election before, but never in a year when his last name was so unpopular. Talk at the courthouse is that Bush's opponent chose him among all the judges up for reelection solely because of his unpopular last name.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

It's true that name will destroy any except Reggie Bush. Yes a reporter asked Reggie Bush about his last name and he quickly said we're not related. Many good Republican people and those name Bush will lose because of the Bush/Cheney team.