Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Blowhard News for Wednesday

Limbaugh And Giuliani Indirectly Blame 9/11 On President Clinton
Discussing Sen. Joe Biden’s (D-DE) recent comments that the world will “
test the mettle” of Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) with an international crisis if he is elected, right-wing talker Rush Limbaugh and former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani indirectly blamed the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on former President Bill Clinton. “Every time Clinton was tested, he failed, and that’s why they tested Bush on 9/11,” said Limbaugh. Giuliani agreed:
RUSH: Mr. Giuliani, do you realize how many times Bill Clinton was tested by Al-Qaeda, starting in 1993 through Mogadishu to the USS Cole, and every time Clinton was tested, he failed, and that’s why they tested Bush on 9/11.

While Claiming ‘I’m Not Bringing It Up,’ Hannity Repeatedly Brings Up Obama’s Cocaine Use Monday, Rudy Giuliani echoed the McCain campaign’s attack on the media for supposedly failing to research Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) youthful drug use, which he discussed in his memoir. “God forbid somebody would do some reporting on Barack Obama’s use of drugs,” Giuliani said. Minutes later, however, he claimed, “I don’t think the Time[s] should” report on Obama’s drug use. Last night, Fox’s Sean Hannity attempted a similar sleight of hand. After condemning a Times article about Cindy McCain, Hannity suggested discussing Obama’s cocaine use would be similarly inappropriate — all the while, repeatedly discussing Obama’s cocaine use. Even Fox News contributor Bob Beckel called Hannity out on his blatant double-speak:
HANNITY: Do you think it’s fair if I brought up that I started asking you questions tonight, Barack Obama has admitted to using cocaine? Do you think we should bring up issues of where did you buy your cocaine…Did you ever sell it? Would that be fair? […] And the only reason I was asking a question that way, Bob, is because you know what? You would say to me, Hannity, 15 days out of an election, go take a hike. You’re desperate. So I’m not bringing it up. […] BOB BECKEL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Let’s be a little careful about you saying you’re not going to bring up the cocaine issue, because you just did.
HANNITY: I’m asking if I did bring it up, is it OK? And do you think if they’re going to raise these questions about Cindy — but go ahead. BECKEL: But you did bring it up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep that's right McCain needs to back off the drugs especially since Cindy had her own drug problem.

And Ginger/Rudia should stick to what s/he does best, drag queen