Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Blowhard News for Tuesday.

McCain falsely claims his surrogate Meg Whitman was the ‘founder’ of EBay.
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) frequently touts former EBay CEO Meg Whitman as someone he goes to for economic advice, even floating her as a
possible Treasury Secretary. In his statement on the economy today, however, McCain incorrectly claimed that Whitman was the “founder” of EBay:
And next to him is a person well known to most Americans, Meg Whitman, the founder of EBay. I often like to repeat, 12 years ago, there was five employees, and now 1.3 million people around the globe making a living off of EBay.

Fox news whines: Five interviews isn’t enough, Palin should be on every Fox show.
Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin reports that Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK) will
appear on Fox’s Hannity and Colmes tonight, her fourth interview with Sean Hannity (including one appearance on his radio show). All told, this will be Palin’s fifth Fox News sit-down. But apparently that’s not enough for Fox’s Megyn Kelly, who demanded that Palin give an interview with each and every Fox News host:
KELLY: Was it the McCain campaign’s responsibility to give her out to other organizations so that there wasn’t this monopoly for an entire week of the Couric soundbites being run over and over and over? She has yet to do any Fox daytime. She has not gone on this broadcast. She hasn’t gone on Fox and Friends. She hasn’t done Brit Hume’s show. She hasn’t done O’Reilly. I mean, why let it just sit there, all week, just the Katie Couric soundbites over and over?

The Wright Card Is Finally Played

The National Republican Trust PAC, which aired one harsh anti-Obama ad that it also used to fundraise on Drudge and elsewhere, says it's putting $2.5 million behind this spot in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida.
The ad is exactly what many conservatives have been hoping would air for months: A Jeremiah Wright highlight reel, with a voice-over describing the pastor's long relationship with Obama.
"For 20 years, Obama never complained, until he ran for president," says the ad, which labels Obama, "too radical, too risky."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fourth interview with the weasel...
if and I hope Obama gets in all Faux noise will be is angry GOPs, like Coultergast, Falafel King (for 10 million a year he can pop a gasket every single night) and don't forget the angry weasel