Thursday, October 23, 2008

Blowhard News for Thursday

Plug Pulled
confirmed with a Republican source that the House Republican campaign committee, the NRCC, has indeed pulled all its advertising for suddenly imperiled Rep. Michelle Bachmann.

Hatch: The World Is Just ‘Jealous’ ‘Because We’re So Powerful And Strong’
On Fox News, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) denied that the America’s standing in the world has fallen under President Bush. He insisted that world opinion of the United States is as strong as ever, though he admitted that other countries “naturally” experience “jealousy” of America:

HATCH: There’s a lot of jealousy of the United States, especially in Europe, and France in particular and some of the other nations as well. So naturally they’re constantly poking holes at the United States. … Yeah there’s some irritation with the United States but mainly it’s because we’re so powerful and strong militarily and economically and otherwise.

Bachmann: It’s All Chris Matthews’ Fault! ‘He Laid A Trap, And I Walked Into It’»
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) is still on the
defensive from an appearance last Friday on MSNBC’s Hardball, in which she called for the media to conduct a “penetrating exposé” into anti-American views of members of Congress.
Speaking with the St. Cloud Times on Tuesday, Bachmann said
she regretted suggesting that Barack Obama held “anti-American” views. Referencing Chris Matthews by name 12 times in a 6 minute interview, Bachmann portrayed herself as the victim of a clever ploy devised by the MSNBC host:
Chris Matthews laid a trap, and I walked into it. […]
Chris Matthews was using the term over and over, and I should not have used it. […]
This was Chris Matthews. I made a big mistake by going on the show. I never should have. […]
I just didn’t recognize — I never watched the Chris Matthews show before. I should have before I went on. I didn’t recognize that he would lay a trap the way that he did