Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blowhard News for Sunday.

McCain latches onto false NYT story about Obama inaugural address. During a campaign rally in New Mexico Saturday, Sen. John McCain attacked Barack Obama for taking a “victory lap” by claiming Obama has “already written” an inaugural address:

MCCAIN: You know what? We just learned from a newspaper today that Senator Obama’s inaugural address is already written.
You know? I’m not making it up, I’m not making it up. An awful lot of voters are still undecided but he’s decided for them that, well, why wait? It’s time to move forward with his first inaugural address. My friends, when I pull this thing off, I have a request for my opponent. I want him to save that manuscript of his inaugural address and donate it to the Smithsonian so they can put it right next to the Chicago paper that said, “
Dewey defeats Truman.”

There’s ten days left in this election. Maybe Barack Obama will even have his first State of the Union address before you head to the polls.

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